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You Can Get Sober, We Can Help

The disease of addiction doesn’t discriminate. Age, race, education, money—none of that matters. What does matter is knowing that regardless of who you are or what your background is, you can recover. You can get sober, and you can get your life back. But you’re going to have to fight for it.

At Step Denver, our residents range in age from 21 to 68, with an average age of 41. Although most are from the Denver Metro area, there are men who come to us from throughout the state of Colorado and beyond.

Just like these men – and all other Step Alumni – in order to reach your goals, you have to make the effort, be accountable, and allow yourself to be supported by others. These men are doing it, and so can you.

We’ve Been Where You Are. These Are Our Stories.

Where you are right now and where you’ve been doesn’t have to define who you are. Our men are the perfect example of that. Men who are just like you. Who walked through our doors having nowhere else to turn and ready to make a change. To do the work, accept help, and fight for their own lives. They did it, and so can you. And we’ll be here to help you every step of the way.


After suffering a seizure on a hotel room floor, James was given the gift of desperation. Something told him he needed to get help or he was going to die. “It’s amazing when you gain self-respect and become proud of yourself, what that does. It’s a good feeling. Something told me to make that call. I’m glad I chose to get help…and I’m more than blessed that I found Step. There’s no words for how I feel about this place.”


Addiction can take away everything from us, including the important relationships in our life—but recovery can bring them back. Just take it from Santiago, our Recovery Support Manager, and his sister Audrey. “He’s actually my hero. He knows that. Even though he’s my younger brother, I truly look up to him. He is one of my best friends, and he is just amazing.”


It wasn’t until Abe found Step that he was able to break the continuous cycle of recovery and relapse. Thanks to this program and the opportunity to serve as Step’s Sober Home & Program Support Manager, Abe turned his life around. “One of the number one things that makes it so I can continue my sobriety is being able to give back to other people that need it in the same way that I did. Paying it forward.”


From fearing her brother to fearing for his life, trying to locate him, and eventually putting him in jail, Theresa – sister to Vincent, our Director of Vehicle Donations – is forever grateful for what Step gave to her brother. Now, instead of waiting for that phone call we all fear, she says, “My relationship with my brother is back. He’s my best friend. He’s the man my sons look up to, and he is the example of the type of man I want my sons to be. Loving, caring, humble, accountable, funny, and of course, sober.”

Proof That Recovery Is Possible

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